Riley had 5 girls over for a birthday slumber party.
They had so much fun, and now I am exhausted.
The party started at 5. My friend Nikki made the cutest Littlest Pet shop cake for Riley.
It had snow ball mounds and a sledding hill on it and even a blue chocolate ice pond.
So cute- Thanks Nik. After blowing out the candles Riley opened presents, we made homemade personal pizzas (flour was everywhere- especially when sam made his) The girls played in Rileys room, We ate birthday cake- we freezer stenciled birthday shirts for everyone- they turned out great.
The girls stayed up until after midnight and we're up and ready to go again at 7:30 this morning. Riley had a great party- the girls all got along and played so well together. At one point, two of the girls were decorating Sams "Cowboy House" that my dad built for him, while the other girls were playing some sort of game in Rileys room that involved jumping on her bed, screaming, then running out in the living room laughing as loud as possible. Not sure who won the game, but they all we're having a blast. Finally at 11 I put it Kitt Kittridge and the girls laid down, a couple of them we're asleep by the time the movie was over, but I think a couple girls stayed up wAAy late!
Today, I am getting us all packed up, Clothes, activities, toys, school stuff- so that John and I can head to Mayo for about a week and the kids can shuffle around between our families in Macon. John starts his radioactive iodine treatment on Tuesday morning- where he will have to stay in isolation for 3-4 days. While he is there I am going to be staying at the Nazarene Well House. I am taking a laptop with me so hopefully I will be able to update while I'm away. Thanks everyone for your prayers for our family.