Riley is going to have a car in the Awana Grand Prix- which is like a boyscout Pinewood derby. We googled pinewood derby car designs tonight and found a few templates that we thought we could handle.
She wants a pink car with lime green flames- and that is all she cares about. I hope she is still having fun with this after the hours of sanding she's gonna have to do.
Sam turns 2 the middle of January-and the boy is wearing me out. Tonight we went to orschelns for something that I didn't care about so I can't even recall what it was- anywho- the boy got 2 spanks before we left. What a turd. He is just so dang headstrong- and cute- look at him- he's a stud!
This is my one of my many nativity sets. I just love it- its wood except for a few metal pieces like the robes on the wisemen. It is just cute. I also have a Precious Moments one that is really small. We'll there must have been some sort of skirmish in the Christmas tub this last year- because he came out decapitated- and I have a snowman with a broken nose. Let that be a lesson to ya- you make fun of a snowmans nose- he is gonna take you down- I don't care if you are the father of the king! Don't know what's up with this picture- just squint your eyes and imagine it being really cute.
I think we'll take a christmas light drive, and have a night wrapping gifts- any other ideas?- and by "other" I mean cheap. And by "cheap" I mean free hehe!
We are headed to Moberly and then Columbia tomorrow. A big day for John- first he is getting his schedule for next semester of college- then down to columbia for a job interview. Cross your fingers people- this would be such a blessing for our family (and would get him out of my hair a little bit).
I too am waiting for the cheap, I mean free ideas on my blog so please share if you get some. We, I mean I put up the Christmas tree today. Tomorrow I will force the children to help me decorate it and then just redecorate it after they go to bed...hehe What a cute baby you have!!! I know what you mean about the monster side of little boys sometimes. My two older boys were unusually well behaved I think because now I know what the true meaning of being the mother of a wildman means. I am usually long worn out before he is even ready for bed and he wakes us up bright and early ready to tear the world apart one destructive act at a time.
I wanna get together before Christmas, no excuses!
love you
on the advice of a coworker, my kids and I are doing a season of kindness through the month of December. Basically the premise behind random acts of kindness but you print out a bunch of little notes and don't put your name on them but some little saying like "this random act of kindness brought to you to share the real meaning of Christmas" and you can do little things for people like offer a mom with her hands full to carry her groceries to her car, or take the neighbors trash to the curb bright and early in the morning on trash day (our neighbors have trash cans by the garage and drag them to the curb on friday mornings), mail somebody a thank you card for being a good friend or good teacher or good mom with no name attached, clean the snow off somebody's windshield while they are shopping in walmart on a snowy night. These are all free and just take some attention to people's needs at the moment and be willing to give an extra moment of your time to be kind. With all the talk of "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas" I think people need to know that it is because Christ lives in us that we can share his love at Christmas.
Tonight my boys are raking the neighbors leaves and I am not going to let them take money if they get caught doing it :)
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