1. When John comes in and puts is big ole overalls on the barstool instead of the hanger that is specifically for his overalls.
2. The super-ugly light fixture in our kitchen. This is one of the last holdouts from pre-wedding days, but my gosh this has to be one of the worst lights ever.
3. Dirty dishes in the sink when the dish washer is empty- come on people show the mom a little love!
4. My entryway is like- Amy's- tiny and right in my kitchen, so there is always mud, boots, coats, bags right in the way.
5. Sam's bed without sheets again because he puked on them again. This is like 13 out of 18 days for us. It is getting old. We have to take stool samples today and turn them into the lab tomorrow to figure this whole deal out.
So that makes me crazy. Amy did I beat kim, huh, huh did I?