Sunday, March 30, 2008

Things that make me crazy!

Does anyone know how to flip pics in blogger? Anyway things that make me crazy are:
1. When John comes in and puts is big ole overalls on the barstool instead of the hanger that is specifically for his overalls.
2. The super-ugly light fixture in our kitchen. This is one of the last holdouts from pre-wedding days, but my gosh this has to be one of the worst lights ever.
3. Dirty dishes in the sink when the dish washer is empty- come on people show the mom a little love!
4. My entryway is like- Amy's- tiny and right in my kitchen, so there is always mud, boots, coats, bags right in the way.
5. Sam's bed without sheets again because he puked on them again. This is like 13 out of 18 days for us. It is getting old. We have to take stool samples today and turn them into the lab tomorrow to figure this whole deal out.

So that makes me crazy. Amy did I beat kim, huh, huh did I?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Signs of Spring

We have been puny around here lately. Sammy finally quit throwing up after 7 days. He felt fine during the day but decided to bless me with nasty puke every night for a week. I had the whole thing down to a science by the end of it though. Puke bucket -(not a pot!), towell, wet washcloth, cup of water, blanket. I now have enough continuing education hours on cleaning up puke that I could do it professionally. But I aint gonna! NO MORE PUKE!
Anywho- I did take pics for Amy's challenge so here are a few of our springy goodness. The weather didn't cooperate but we did lots of crafty stuff. Congrats Kim- winner 2 weeks in a row- but your rein has come to an end! I will win this week! hehe. My first real quilt- a baby gift, Sam and Riley painting blown out eggs.
The kid's easter baskets um, I mean easter boots. They got boots, a book, bubbles, chalk, a hobby horse sewn together too quickly the night before, and of course candy! Sammy, by our chocolate nests with jelly bean eggs. I have always thought these were cute, but they don't really taste that great.
Riley acting like a doofus, Sam making a huge mess, I mean, coloring eggs, Spring for us means baby goats. This picture is of Rebecca-(because she has an R on her ear tag)- and she had twins this year- Kate and Spencer! Rileys crafts, little bunny and the washcloth bunnys, Spring Equinox- did you guys balance an egg on its head? Homeschool science is so much fun! More of Rileys crafts- wee bunny from here, a string bowl that I love!, and some st. Paddy's day pretzels- that again look better than they tasted!

And here is what I should have been doing instead of crafting. Just keepin it real ladies!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've been missin' you

Wow you would think after a whole month of non-blogging I would have something at least a little bit interesting to share- but alas I don't.
We have been busy- but not exciting busy.
Things I'm excited about right now...
1) 8 more weeks of Awana!
2) John got me a sewing machine for my B-day- loving it!
3) Amy's Photo Challenge- check it out here
4) Grilled Chicken Taquitos from Taco Bell- mmm.
5) Driving with the windows down- come on spring- we are ready for you!
6) Tomorrow starts John's spring break from college. Yeah- I am (and I know he is) ready for a little less hectic around our house.
7) Bright pink painted toenails- and the prospect of NO SOCKS!
8) Making a Mummy out of a Barbie for school tomorrow! Such a cool egyptian unit were on now! Did you know only men we're allowed to write hieroglyphics- so unfair!
9) My kiddos playing outside on our swing set
10) Sam's goat had twins yesterday- they are caauute!
Okay- what are you excited about?
Tag to Amy, Kim, Bec, Kristy and Kathy!